Support Tim’s Big
Heart Foundation in empowering families! 

All of the work we’re doing takes resources. 

Book open icon

When Tim inspires others through book reading, we give books away to all the kids as a reminder of what they’ve learned. 

Crossroads sign icon

Our work connecting families and nonprofits requires travel and staff time.

Red and pink tickets icon

Lastly, direct action takes travel, staff time, and resources to fill the gaps.

Please donate to be a part of our mission!

Together let’s show the world what is possible for people with disabilities! 

To make donations of stock or airline miles, please contact Lara Smith

Tim's Big Heart Foundation is a program of the Harris Family Foundation. Donations made through this website will be directed to the work of Tim's Big Heart Foundation. Our EIN is 93-3632230. 

We submitted an application for 501(c)(3) public charity status and our 501(c)(3) status is currently “pending” and awaiting approval from the IRS. If we are approved, all donations made after November 11, 2023 would be tax deductible.