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Orange hourglass icon
People in red 'Digicel Foundation' and white 'BIG HUGS BIG HEART' shirts posing for a photo.
Man stands in a crowd wearing a yellow shirt and white pants, tilted slightly back with a smile on his face.
A young man in glasses and a white shirt looks left, one arm around a woman in a blue patterned shirt who wraps her arms around his shoulders.
Seven people posing for a photo in a grassy, tropical area, with a crowd of people moving in the background.
Purple flower with heart center icon

Tim Harris:
Inspiring Audiences, One Story at a Time

Hire Tim to speak to your company, nonprofit, or association.

Tim shares the ups and downs of living with a disability. He challenges us all to ask ourselves if we are dreaming it, why aren’t we doing it.

See Tim in Action

Interested in having Tim at your event?

Schedule some time to chat using our form below.
